- Our #Elite #Scientists believe in the Big Bang. They believe that
almost 14 billion years ago, our universe and everything in it was the
size of a “grain of sand”. I have also spoken of place, for the lack of
a better word, where time does not exist. I call this place Never Never
I cannot escape now. I can wait one second, two seconds, three seconds–and it is still now. Yet it seems different. And I can't go back to that first now. I can believe in a future now, but I have to wait to get there.
I cannot escape now. I can wait one second, two seconds, three seconds–and it is still now. Yet it seems different. And I can't go back to that first now. I can believe in a future now, but I have to wait to get there.
I am here. I can see a here that is over there. But I can't get to it. I am trapped in the here and now.
problem is the speed of light and a concept I call “close enough”.
Although your DNA is different than mine, you are still you and I am
still me. Neither of us is a bumblebee. Our DNA is close enough.
each have our own now. If you were near Jupiter, your now would be
separated from mine by an hour. If you are in the same room, we are
close enough so we feel we have the same now. We are close enough to
build civilizations.
scientists tell us that every particle in the universe has been trapped
in the here and now ever since our grain of sand beginning. They make
this statement based on a billion observations and mathematical
calculations beyond almost everyone's comprehension. Only a few particle
physicists claim some exotic super-microscopic particles can move
through time–and then only a few gazillionths of a second. Anyway, now
is not the time to consider this.
trapped like this is a Law of Nature. It keeps us from traveling
through time. It may also keep us from traveling to other universes. We
can imagine things in other universes being trapped by similar laws. I
really like to break laws–as long as the punishment is not too severe.
we were a grain of sand, particles on one side of the grain were
trapped in time, just like particles on the other side of the grain.
Today, after almost fourteen billions years of expansion, everything in
remote galaxies is still trapped in time–just like everything we see
around us. Science says this Law is universal.
are other laws–laws of nature that are universal. Our science can see
these laws in action here and, then see things in the remotest parts of
the observable universe that confirm these laws are universal.
law of physics is a rule that nature obeys without exception. Nature
obeys this rule everywhere. Our science believes that the results of
experiments carried out on Earth would be the same if carried out, under
the same conditions, anywhere in the universe. If this turned out to be
untrue, our science would collapse into meaninglessness.
A recent study (Dr. Emily Baldwin: "Earth's Laws Still Apply in Distant Universe";;
June, 2008) shows that one of the most important numbers in physics,
the proton-electron mass ratio, is the same in a galaxy six billion
light years away as it is here on Earth-apparently laying to rest the
debate about whether the laws of nature vary in different places in the
At first, I thought Dr. Baldwin had shown that our science is safe from collapse–until I thought longer and harder.
need to mention a few universal laws of physics–Science prefers the
exact language of mathematical equations, but I like English:
Light always travels at an exact speed, close to 186,000 miles per second.
The temperature of a hot cup of coffee will always, over time, fall–until it is no longer hot.
The earth will rotate one time every 24 hours.
The mass of an object causes gravity. Given the same mass and distance from an object, the force of gravity is always the same.
. . . .
have spoken of the birth of our universe, its long expansion until now,
and then its future expansion for almost forever, until we reach a
cold, dark, barren universe without time–and I noted or implied that we
had returned to Never Never Land. This view seems to say that, with the
birth of our universe, timelessness was pushed away, only to return
after a gazillion years.
better view is that Never Never Land is always there, below our
universe and every other universe, its gazillion universal genes
supporting and defining every particle, force, law of nature, and
anything else, that can exist in our universe, or any other universe.
theory states that two entangled particles, even when separated by
light years, are connected; a change to one will be instantly
communicated to the other–this is called “spooky action at a distance”.
If our universe lives in Never Never Land, we get something that is, surprising, less complex: “spooky action at no distance”.
thought experiments and pursuing strange analogies help explain the
laws of nature and why they are universal in our universe? Since our
science is stumped by this question, we have nothing to lose by giving
it a shot. The first step is to assume there really is a Never Never
Land where time does not exist.
Big Bang Theory states that we started as a microscopic dot and after a
few gazillionths of a second, we were the size of a grain of sand. This
was like the gestation period of a fetus–a time when our universe was
being put together. There is also a time in the far future when our
universe will be dying. I don't want to consider either of these two
do want to look more closely at the grain of sand time, up until now,
and then on to the future. This corresponds to the healthy part of human
life, from baby to old man–a time when our cells are doing a billion
things to keep us going.
know that our chromosomes contain genes, groups of rungs on vast DNA
ladders, that are needed instructions for our cells. Our chromosomes
tell every cell when and how to do a billion things. If we ignore
details, we can say DNA defines living creatures in our universe. A
living creature could be a heart cell or a liver cell, a human being or a
bumble bee or a maple leaf. DNA is telling each creature how to react
to its environment, how and when to do the billion things it needs to
I see everything–particles, waves, energy–in the past, present, and
future, following complex, but strict, rules, I have to wonder what is
the DNA of the universe?
have spoken of a Never Never Land, a timeless region. It was needed to
address cause and effect problems–to show that there did not have to be a
“bottom turtle”. Once you accept Never Never Land, it seems the natural
place for the code of universes–instructions that run our universe and
perhaps a gazillion others.
want to develop a thought experiment where I imagine mechanisms that
let timeless code control universes. It is hard to think our way across
the timeless–time boundary that seems to exist between us and “there”.
In describing these mechanisms, I want to put off as long as possible
using pretty phrases that mean “we don't know”. By this, I mean phrases
like “spooky action at a distance” and “spooky action at no distance”.
have speculated that gravitons and time particles exist in Never Never
Land and our universe may have started when one of each combined–the
time particle providing the essence of our time. Another, different
possibility, is Never Never Land holds not gravitons and time particles,
but vast collections of code, or timeless genes. Some of these genes
define our time and everything else in our universe.
genes, gazillions of them, code for other universes. It is important to
remember that these genes are timeless–they may not code for universes
that begin or end. Also, being timeless, a gazillion genes could make up
strands of genetic material whose length stretches forever, or has no
length at all, or has any length in between.
can think of one example that may be analogous, more or less, to how
the universe works. The cells in our bodies, as well as, the entire
universe, need information to operate. This information comes from
genes, either regular or timeless.
a large city with a couple of million houses, each with one TV and
cable service. The cable service, like our chromosomes, or perhaps a
timeless version of our chromosomes, offers a vast array of information.
A particular house, a particular TV, is set for only one channel. This
house is like a skin cell, a white blood cell, or a neuron; or maybe
this house is like our universe, while another house is another
science knows a lot about how our cells communicate with and are
affected by our chromosomes. The most difficult thing I have tried to
imagine, the most difficult thought experiment, involves answering this
key question: How can our universe communicate with and be affected by
timeless chromosomes?
every process, we see in our universe, is time based. We are moving
through time, from past to future. We are in constant motion. How can we
communicate with a timeless world that just is? We cannot walk around
this world because nothing changes–and walking implies change.
Part of the answer, I believe, is shape.
A timeless gene has shape.
our world, shape is important. Prion diseases–also known as
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE's) are some of the most
insidious maladies known to Man. These illnesses are progressive
neurogenerative conditions that can afflict both animals and humans. The
first TSE was identified in the 1730s. This was Scrapie, a disease
affecting sheep and goats.
Scrapie is related to the more famous bovine spongiform encephalopathy–mad cows disease.
can get a version of mad cows disease by eating contaminated meat. The
disease is always fatal. Even well cooked meat is dangerous. The good
news is prion diseases are extremely rare.
What do prion diseases have to do with shape? Here is a simplified explanation leaving out many steps.
animals build a protein called a cellular prion protein. This protein
is primarily expressed in the central nervous system and brain, but can
occur in many parts of the body. Rarely, maybe because of a mutation in a
critical gene, a prion is built that is the same as a normal cellular
prion, but it is shaped wrong. What is worse, when this prion meets a
normal prion, it changes it to the bad shape–resulting in a cascading
destruction of normal cellular protein and death. Shape is important.
biology and organic chemistry, the shape of molecules is just as
important as the atoms that make up the molecules. Shapes will determine
if molecules fit together, like a key in a lock, or not. Shapes will
determine if molecules move together or drift apart. Shapes will
determine if life supporting chemical reactions occur, or not.
can imagine a timeless gene or timeless chromosome having a shape.
Being in timelessness, this shape can never change–yet it can. Let me
explain what I mean.
you could look at a timeless chromosome, it might exist in many
dimensions, with its shape traversing all of these. For simplicity, let
us just look at only two dimensions. In this case, part of the
chromosome could be shaped like “WW”. Anything above the “WW” is inside
the chromosome and is part of Never Never Land.
Let me now ask some questions similar to questions asked before and see if we are not enlightened by some refined answers:
What is the length of the timeless chromosome?
How tall is the “WW”?
What is the length of each of the eight lines that make up the “WW”?
thick is each line? What far is it from the top of the right line in
the left “W” to the top of the left line in the right “W”?
We may have implied that these questions have no meaning because we are in Never Never Land. But let's reconsider.
we were discussing the Big Bang, we pointed out that it seemed like at
the very first moment a particle could be half in, half out, of our
reality. Part of it could still be in Never Never Land. It could have a
real, measurable length, but an imaginary width. We then pointed out
that, by changing our frame of reference, we could make length the width
and vice versa. We then came to the weird conclusion that the length of
object, or even if the object had length, could depend on how you
looked at it.
the answers to the above questions depends on our universe's
relationship to Never Never Land, on how it sees Never Never Land. What
it sees today could be very different than what it saw when it was a
grain of sand.
entity in our universe could contain a unique shape, a key that fits
into a specific lock in Never Never Land. The timeless “WW” lock sits on
top of a “^ ^” key (each “^” fits into the bottom of a “W”). As our
universe expands, a gazillion keys grow–and yet, the “WW” lock is not
broken. Our universe changes it frame of reference, how it looks at the
timeless chromosome. The “WW” lock is always the right size.
that nothing inside the chromosome has changed. It is still static and
timeless. It has an unchanging shape. Only our frame of reference
changes. Perhaps there is no gene for time. We may feel the changes to
our frame of reference as the passage of time.
are particles that can occupy the same space at the same time. Since a
gazillion keys can connect to one timeless lock, these keys, which are
part of our universe must have boson-like qualities.
have asked about the length of lines that make up the lock or the key
and have said the answer may be based on our frame of reference, or we
could even say the answers are based on what our universe needs. But we
also asked about the thickness of the lines–how close is our world of
time to timelessness?
the “WW” lock grows as our universe expands, we could imagine that the
eight lines also grow in thickness. In our world, especially our quantum
world, lines, or the particles that make up the lines, also have a wave
like nature. The lines are fuzzy and we can't be sure where they are.
In our quantum world, particles can tunnel through impenetrable
can imagine a fuzzy line, part of the lock in Never Never Land, sitting
next to a line in our world, part of the key. Using quantum like rules,
the fuzzy line could sometimes “tunnel through” part of our key–pulling
it and part of us into a timeless world. Once there, there is no
distance. We can be next to any gene, any set of instructions, in the
timeless chromosome. Maybe we could read the instructions by changing
our perspective, our frame of reference. Could we find clues to who
wrote the code?-or is that a time based question in a timeless world?
you viewed ours and a gazillion other universes from the standpoint of
Never Never Land, it is us that is static, timeless, and unchanging. We
are a grain of sand; we are building pyramids; we are being born; we are
dying; we are expanding into dark, barren, nothingness. It is just a
matter of how you look at us–it is just a matter of your frame of
. . . .
can never escape the here and now. Perhaps every particle in me
contains timeless chromosomes with timeless genes that tie me to this
universe, this now.
Maybe I can find the proper expert. Maybe he knows how to splice regular genes.
Maybe he can figure out how to splice timeless genes. Maybe he can free me from the here and now.
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