Sunday, November 11, 2012

Controversial Statements

Thought I'd make a couple of controversial statements and see how they are taken.

But first let me give you a link and tell you NOT to click on it --> Group Medical Insurance

Instead Google "Group Medical Insurance in Memphis" (I work in Memphis). The above link should be at or near the top of Google's generic unpaid listing.


People with something to sell don't need websites !

I have been designing and hosting websites since Al Gore invented the Internet - so even reading the above statement, much less writing it, makes me nervous.

Websites can, of course, be very beneficial. But they can cost sales. A visitor to your site has to see only one thing he doesn't like and you will never hear from him.

We have decided to develop one page "web ads" custom designed to be found on Google when a prospect is looking for a service or product and custom designed to get the prospect to contact the seller (in the above  case, an Insurance Agent).


Be willing to tell a prospect they shouldn't want what they say the want !

I am not sure about this one, but I started thinking about it after recently talking to a prospect. She said she wanted search to work with SIRI (Apple's Voice Recognition Search Software) - in the above case, you would say "Group Medical Insurance in Memphis" and SIRI would respond with her name and address.

I didn't have a good answer for her - I knew we could do it, but the real question was it worth the time and cost to her to do it. My initial reaction was "No". Later, after I thought about it, I was even more negative. A couple of many reasons - (1) Google's Android system has a similar product and they have a larger market share;  (2) I can see people using their phone to find a restaurant, not so much to find an insurance agent.

My point is everyone has limited funds for sales and marketing - you have to carefully choose where you invest those funds.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

One of the strongest, mostly negative, responses I have received from an internet posting was when I expressed one of my Five Percent Views.

Ninety-Five Percent of your views and values are substantially the same as everybody else's. It is the other Five Percent that make you interesting and unique. Unfortunately, this Five Percent also leads to much of the conflict in the World (think Religion and Politics).

We search for definite answers – if you do this, something good will happen; if you do that, something bad will happen. And somewhere, there is an Expert that knows the right answers.

What is your opinion of Experts?

Mike Stewart

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily Stuff

Talked to a web designer, Chris Magee - has an interesting site at fuse9

Promoting Tomsin Steel (Check out for Steel in Memphis)

A few changes for SBOX Storage (If you need a Portable Construction Office)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Managing Emails

We have used and promoted Ratepoint for managing Email Marketing. They have a great product, but they are going out of business (some say as a way to get more money out of their customer base? - additional information can be found HERE).

Constant Contact is the industry leader in this field and has most of the tools offered by Ratepoint. We have been impressed by their service and products.

For additional information, please visit Constant Contact.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Three Billion Years and Counting

Science thinks that Life has been around for a little more than 3 billion years.

Life seems to be pretty complex - showing that God is very smart or Nature working for 3 billion years can accomplish a lot. Or both.

How long is 3 Billion Years?  Imagine that you had a magic car (a Delorean ?).

Putting this car into Space Drive, it would be a normal car. You could start at the Atlantic Ocean near New York City and drive about 3000 miles and arrive at the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles. If you averaged 60 miles per hour, the trip would take 50 hours.

But now imagine that time stretches continuously back from present day LA to New York City as it was 3 Billion Years ago, and that you have switched your magic car to Space/Time Drive.

You could then start where New York City and the Atlantic Ocean will someday be and drive westward toward the future. Outside your magic car, your speed in space would be as before - 60 miles per hour; but each mile you traveled would move you a million years into the future.

The first 2400 miles (40 hours) of the journey would be pretty boring. No land animals or plants large enough to see would exist.

About 230 miles from the Pacific Coast, we might see our first Dinosaurs. They would abruptly disappear just before we begin the last hour of our trip.

When we are a thousand feet from the Coast, we know modern man has developed in Africa.

Ten feet from our destination, you might look up to see the Star of Bethlehem as Jesus is born.

If we stopped one foot from our destination, the Revolution War would be underway back on the East Coast. World War II starts about four inches before we touch the Coast. Everyone alive today appears in the last six inches of our Journey.


If I have made you think, please support our clients - Like Tomsin Steel Processing on Facebook.

If you need insurance, visit